domingo, 26 de junio de 2016

Business Meetings - Vocabulary Practice

Love them or hate them, as we have already seen in the video, meetings are an important part of the business world. Nowadays, it is increasingly common to have business meetings with colleagues or clients from other countries, where the meeting is in English. 

Read the introduction below of a Business Meeting, where participants are welcomed and introduced to the different items to be covered. Try to infer from the context, the meaning of the words that appear in bold type and complete the suggested multiple choice activity. 

Chair: 'Welcome to the latest meeting for the Samuel Project. I appreciate that you're all busy and thanks for attending. My name is David Mitchell and I will be the Chairfor today's meeting. Steve Crowther will be taking the minutes.

You'll find a copy of the meeting agenda in front of you on the table. As you can see, there are 7 items which we are going to discuss today. I updated the agenda this morning, so it should be fine. But if you have any other issues which you would like to talk about, please do it in the any other business part of the meeting at the end.

There are two absentees from today's meeting, Peter Jackson can't attend today due to a prior commitment. He sends his apologies. Also Sarah Campbell can't make it, she's on holiday. So, John Hopkins is standing in for Sarah today. Does anybody have any questions?'

Attendee:'Yes, I do. How long will the meeting last?'

Chair: 'About two hours. Any more question? No? Well, I think that's all, so let's start.'

Now, take a look at the following set of words and phrases which are also connected to Business Meetings. Choose two of them, and provide a definition and an example on how to use it in a sentence in the following WIKI. You can check the following ONLINE DICTIONARY to find the meaning of any unknown word. 

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