domingo, 22 de mayo de 2016

Speaking Task: picture description

Did you know that...?
Speaking is probably the language skill that most language learners wish to perfect as soon as possible. It used to be the only language skill that was difficult to practise online. This is no longer the case. English learners can practise speaking online using voice or video chat and services like Skype. They can also record and upload their voice for other people to listen to.

1)- Look and study the concepts presented in this PRESENTATION. If necessary, take down notes of useful words and expressions. 

2)- Complete the task suggested in the presentation. In order to share it, record your voice using the following ONLINE TOOL and upload your recording in the forum created for the purpose of this activity. 

Importing and Exporting in the Global Market

Let's see now the concepts of import and export in action

1)- Visit the following WEBSITE in which you will find a video to watch. 

2)- Watch the video and take down notes of important concepts mentioned on it. 

3)- Complete the LESSON QUIZ to check your understanding. 

4)- Summarize the most relevant concepts that appear in the video and create a VOKI to share your answers. Remember to copy and paste the link to your animated character as a comment to this post. 

Have a look at this IMAGE to learn how to create a VOKI or watch the following TUTORIAL

Import and Export

Import and export are key concepts to understand trade. Let's see what they are!

1)- Watch the first part of this video taken from YouTube and try to define in your own words what GDP is. 

2)- Listen to what he says GDP is and check if your guesses were right or not. 

3)- Watch the last part of the video and take down notes of words, ideas, examples, etc the speaker mentions to explain the following concepts:


4)- Reflect upon the following questions to then post your opinion in the forum that corresponds to this class. 

  • Why are the concepts of import and export key to understand GDP?
  • Why do you think it is important to know the GDP of a country?
  • Do you believe the GDP is a good way of measuring a countries' growth?
  • What is imported and exported in our country? Give examples. 
LEARNING TIP: Remember to include some of the following phrases when giving your opinion: 
I think / I believe / From my viewpoint / I personally think that / I am convinced that / 

What do you already know about business English?

Business English is a form of English specially suited to international trade, commerce and finance. As such, Business English is the kind of English typically used in, for example:
  • business meetings
  • sales presentations
  • negotiations
  • business correspondence
  • business reports
  • executive summaries
Let's see how many words connected to this field of studies you already know! 

1)- Look at the Wordle below and pick 2 or 3 words you already know. Be sure you can explain their meanings to the rest of the class. In order to do so, you can use the words in a sentence, give examples of how the words are used or define them in your own words. Remember also to write down your ideas as a comment to this post to keep a record of your work in this course. 

Para ver la imagen en tamaño completo, click AQUÍ

2)- Visit this WEBSITE, and have a look at the words connected to import and export presented. Choose 5 words from the list and create your own WORDLE using not only the selected words but also key words that will help your partners understand their meanings. 
For example, if you select the word MERCHANDISE, your wordle may include words such as manufactured goods, store, stock of goods, comodities, trade, etc. 

Tip: take a look at the following video in order to learn how to make an effective WORDLE. 

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2016

Herramientas 2.0

Sabemos que actualmente, la tecnología juega un papel fundamental en la clase de idiomas por lo que a continuación les detallo algunas herramientas de la WEB 2.0 que pueden resultarles de utilidad para enriquecer sus clases. 
¡Espero las investiguen y puedan comenzar a utilizarlas!
Este sitio web nos permite almacenar, editar, crear y compartir fotos y vídeos a través de las redes sociales o cualquier otra aplicación alojada en Internet.

El único requisito para acceder a la misma, es poseer una cuenta de Yahoo. 
Te invito a visitar MI GALERIA

Slideshare es un repositorio de presentaciones online al que podemos acceder a través de nuestra cuenta en Linkdn. Nos permite subir y compartir presentaciones en diversos formatos como así también infografias.

Podés explorar este recurso y ver mi presentación sobre ¿Qué significa ESP? 

Bienvenid@s al blog 'English for Specific Purposes 2016'

Mi nombre es Analía Gargiulo y soy Profesora de Inglés. Vivo en la ciudad de Mar del Plata, y desde el año 2010 me dedico a la enseñanza del idioma en diversos colegios e instituciones educativas privadas de la ciudad. Desde el año 2012 me he dedicado exclusivamente a la enseñanza de inglés para fines específicos (ESP) a través del dictado de cursos online y presenciales, siendo el principal objetivo de estos cursos la personalización y la creación de material de calidad para alumnos que desean aprender el idioma con un objetivo claro y necesitan una formación específica.